Monthly gatherings hosted by author of Peaceful Periods, Chantal Blake

Peaceful Period Circle for Teens

You want your daughter to learn natural ways to relieve cramps, heavy bleeding, and PMS, but she doesn’t want to hear it from you.

You want your daughter to feel comfortable asking candid questions about her body, but you don’t want answers that compromise your faith or values.

You want your daughter to love being a woman, but she won’t even talk to you about her period.

If you don’t want her to suffer decades of difficult periods, reproductive challenges, and hormonal imbalances, now is the time to take action.

You want your daughter to have peaceful periods.


A six-month journey that combines information with inspiration and science with self-care, to understand the basics of menstrual health.

In community, your daughter will learn what it means to have a healthy period, how to care for her womb, and foster a loving relationship with her body.

Together, we will learn how to honor our wombs, love our periods, and protect our fertility.

This course is for your daughter if:

She struggles to love her period

She wants to have a peaceful, pain-free period every month

She wants to learn natural ways to relieve menstrual challenges

  • Parent Testimonial

    “This course can create generational change for our girls. Giving them the tools to care for their feminine self and know that they do have the power to care for their own health.”


  • Parent Testimonial

    “Sister Chantal is very easy to understand and connect with, as well as all the knowledge she has put into this course.”


  • Parent Testimonial

    “I am so glad we can change the course of our daughters in our ummah to experience their womb and their body in a completely different light to how we did.”


  • Parent Testimonial

    “I can now help and teach my daughters to love and care for their hormones and periods and love themselves and also help them prepare early for this journey.”


Your Daughter Will Learn:

How to track the health of her period every month

How to use self-care & nutrition to support her hormones

Resources for support in her period healing journey

How to understand and respond to her body’s symptoms

What Does Peaceful Period Include?


Practical lessons with prompts for discussion, personal reflection, and clear instruction.


Track your self-care, menstrual cycle and period symptoms every month.


Take notes, document insights, and plan your course of action.

Individual and group activities moderated through an online forum.


In our circle, teens can learn, have fun, and become a supportive sisterhood for each other.

Monthly Teen Chats

Period Stories, Myths and Truths: How culture impacts how we experience menstruation

Period-Powered Living: Understanding the gifts and needs of your menstrual phases

Hormone BFFs: Laying the foundation for healthy hormones

Peaceful Period Practices: Discovering tools for period relief and womb health

Connecting Heart and Womb: How emotions affect our periods and how to manage them

Know and Love Your Body: Learn sacred anatomy and feminine care

(BONUS SESSION) HONORING THE WOMB IN ISLAM: How the Qur’an and Sunnah reference and reverence menstruation

Peaceful Periods is more than a book or a course—

it’s a movement to reclaim period positivity, body literacy, and sacred femininity.

197 USD

Full Payment

for 6 months

Monthly Payment

33 USD

pay monthly for 6 months

Invest in a lifetime of healthy periods and balanced hormones for about $1 per day!

Welcome, Sister!

As a wife and mother of three, I’m extremely passionate about nurturing a legacy of women who love their periods, honor their wombs, and protect their fertility for generations to come.

Now that I’ve published my first book, Peaceful Periods: Holistic Womb Care for Teens, I want to make sure that you and your daughter have the support you need to make peaceful periods your lived reality.


When are the classes?

The cohort beginning on Saturday, February 10th meets on Saturdays at 10am EST | 3pm GMT | 11pm GST once per month. A second cohort will be opened on Fridays at 3am EST | 8am GMT | 4pm SGT starting Friday, March 8th.

Will sessions be recorded?

Yes. Attendees will have one-month replay access to the live sessions. This is an interactive course intended for active engagement, not a self-paced course.

Is there a sibling discount?

Yes. Use the coupon code SIBLING25 for a 25% discount on more than one enrollment.

How much does the Peaceful Period Circle for Teens cost?

A one-time payment of 197 USD or 33 USD per month for six months.

If I’m not satisfied, can I request a refund?

Refund requests must be submitted in writing 7 days after the cohort start date.